Board Activities & Public Meetings

Board Activities & Public Meetings

Quarterly Board Meetings | Special Board Meetings | Forthcoming Public Meetings |
Minutes of Recent Board MeetingsRoles of Boards and Members 

The Board of Historic Resources and the State Review Board meet quarterly to consider new nominations of historic sites for listing in the Virginia Landmarks Register (VLR) and the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). The two boards also consider proposed updates and boundary increases to nominations for sites previously listed in the VLR and NRHP.

Additionally, the Board of Historic Resources considers new or proposed updates to historical highway markers, and new preservation easements. The State Review Board discusses and evaluates Preliminary Information Forms (PIFs) that DHR staff has requested to be considered (the first step toward listing a site on the state or national registers). On occasion, the boards convene for special meetings, which are announced in advance.

Prior to each quarterly meeting, DHR posts information about new nominations, highway markers, easements, and PIFs on this webpage, along with an agenda for the meeting.

The public is welcome to attend quarterly and special board meetings.

Public Participation at Board of Historic Resources Meetings Information

The Joint Session includes the DHR Director’s Report, general Board business, presentation of nominations for the National Register of Historic Places/Virginia Landmarks Register, and votes by the Board of Historic Resources & the State Review Board. 

The Afternoon Board of Historic Resources Session includes presentation and votes for Historical Highway Markers, Historic Preservation Easements, and Burial Permits. 

The Afternoon State Review Board Session includes presentation of Preliminary Information Forms for evaluation of eligibility for future listing on the NRHP/VLR. 

Quarterly Meeting of the Virginia Board of Historic Resources & State Review Board (September 2024)

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Most Recent Board Training Session, March 16, 2022

Most Recent Board Training Session will convened at Virginia Museum of History & Culture, Halsey Family Lecture Hall on March 16, 2022.

View a recording of the training session here.
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