Research & Identify
DHR plays a critical role in research and identification related to historic preservation. DHR’s archives contain valuable information and resources to support the identification, evaluation, and protection of historic sites and resources. DHR’s identification programs provide a foundation for preservation efforts, while its collections help to inform researchers and guide those efforts, promoting a greater understanding and appreciation of Virginia’s unique history and culture.
DHR plays an important role in contributing to statewide studies, surveys, and other documentation related to historic preservation. The agency maintains an extensive research archive to support the identification and evaluation of historic resources, helping to ensure that these resources are preserved and maintained for future generations. Through its research efforts, DHR also provides valuable information and resources to individuals, organizations, and local governments engaged in historic preservation efforts throughout Virginia.
- DHR performs and curates research on a range of disciplines, including archaeology, architecture, and history, to provide a comprehensive understanding of historic sites and resources in a statewide inventory.
- Research supports the DHR's programs, including the Virginia Landmarks Register and the National Register of Historic Places, by providing the basis for their evaluation and designation.
- DHR provides technical assistance and guidance to individuals and organizations engaged in researching topics related to historic preservation and archaeology, helping to promote a greater understanding and appreciation of Virginia's unique history and culture.

DHR’s identification efforts include a range of activities, such as architectural surveys, archaeological investigations, and historical research. The agency maintains a number of programs and databases to support these efforts. By identifying historic resources, DHR helps to raise awareness of their significance and value, and provides a framework for their preservation and protection. This includes working with property owners and local governments to develop plans for the conservation and maintenance of historic sites and structures.
- DHR's identification efforts help to inform land use decisions and planning processes at the local, regional, and state levels, promoting sustainable development and growth that is sensitive to historic and cultural resources.
- DHR promotes collaboration and partnerships among government agencies, private organizations, and individuals to build a network of stakeholders committed to the preservation and protection of Virginia's historic resources.
- DHR's identification programs provide opportunities for community engagement and involvement in historic preservation efforts, which helps to foster a sense of pride and ownership in Virginia's rich cultural heritage.

DHR Archives
DHR's Archives houses the agency’s collection of records of the historic resources documented in Virginia. These records can include descriptions of the resources; historical research; photographs, plans and other materials that document the history of Virginia and its people. The archives are open to the public by appointment Tuesdays through Thursdays, and it provides a great resource for anyone interested in a rich and diverse view of the state's past and the people who have shaped it.
Key Pages
Point of Contact
Quatro Hubbard

Highway Markers
The Highway Marker Program identifies and documents Virginia's significant historical persons, events, and places. Our focus is on educating the public and providing accurate historical information, rather than on honoring, memorializing, or commemorating individuals or events. These markers, placed along state highways and roads, serve as a valuable resource for residents and visitors alike, providing a deeper understanding of the state's rich history and cultural heritage.
Key Pages
Point of Contact
Jennifer Loux
Highway Marker Program Manager

Historic Registers
DHR manages the Virginia Landmarks Register and National Register programs in Virginia. Both Registers are lists of historically and culturally significant properties in Virginia, including buildings, sites, structures, districts, and objects, that have been recognized for their significance in Virginia’s history, architecture, archaeology, and culture. Nominations for historic properties in Virginia have been digitized and are available through DHR’s VLR Online portal. Through VLR Online, members of the public can read nominations and learn about the rich history and heritage of their community and Virginia’s historic places.
Key Pages
- VLR Online
- Historic African American Sites
- 2024 DHR’s Quarterly Review Schedule
- Register Forms for Downloading
- Preliminary Evaluation and Nomination Processes
- Historic Registers Guidance and Training Materials
- New Dominion Virginia Initiative
- Guidelines for Conducting Historic Resources Survey in Virginia (Survey Manual)
- Plaques for Register-Listed Properties
Point of Contact
Austin Walker
Division of Resource Information and Register

State Archaeology
Division of State Archaeology (DSA) staff provide a variety of services to record and explore archaeological sites both on land and underwater, manage and conserve the millions of objects in our archaeological collections, and provide technical expertise to public and professional communities while promoting stewardship and preservation of these valuable resources. DSA staff provide dozens of presentations and training events each year and provide access to educational materials for teachers correlated to the Virginia Standards of Learning.
Key Pages
- Virginia Archaeology Month
- Virginia Archaeology Network
- Threatened Sites Program
- Underwater
- What do Archaeologists do?
- Archaeological Reports
- Archaeological Collections
- Regional Archeologists
- Archaeology Guidelines
- Native American Ceramics
- Lithics & Projectiles
- Points
- Archaeology Items: Musketeer and Pike Man
- Guidelines for Conducting Historic Resources Survey in Virginia (Survey Manual)
- The Historical Archaeology of Virginia from Initial Settlement to Present: Overview and New Directions
- References Cited
- What's so bad about collecting artifacts?
Point of Contact
Dr. Elizabeth Moore
State Archaeologist
804 482-6084

The Virginia Cultural Resources Information System (VCRIS) is an online database that contains the inventory of buildings, districts, archaeological sites, and other types of properties. VCRIS allows researchers, cultural resource professionals, land managers, and other qualified users record sites and properties, as well as to conduct background research to support cultural resources management activities.
Key Pages
Point of Contact
Sean Tennant
VCRIS Accounts Manager
DHR has engaged over 450 students in 3 highway marker contests
DHR has registered more than 3,317 individual resources and 613 historic districts
DHR has erected 2,532 highway markers in every county and city across Virginia