Past News

Report of Governor's (McAuliffe) Monuments Work Group (2016)



Turner Ashby Monument, Harrisonburg
Turner Ashby Monument, Harrisonburg

Report of the Monuments Work Group (2016): In 2015, former Governor Terry McAuliffe tasked a diverse Work Group to make recommendations for best practices that may help localities foster a constructive dialogue when it comes to discussions regarding monuments. DHR was a member of the Work Group and presented statistics and recommendations on historic monuments and memorials—including ones referencing the Civil War, both Confederate- and Union-affiliated. The Work Group issued its report of recommendations in 2016.  Appendix A of the report included a presentation DHR made to the Work Group summarizing information the agency has compiled on war memorials in Virginia. In July 2018, DHR updated the presentation to reflect newer figures resulting from our ongoing survey efforts. Here is that updated presentation

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