
Announcing Online Publication of a New Archaeological Research Report


Image of report coverDHR has a new published report in its Archaeological Research Report SeriesThe Nansemond Ghost Fleet: Archaeological Investigations of a Vessel Abandonment Area in Suffolk, Virginia (Report No. 24). This report results from an archaeological investigation funded by a 2019 Threatened Sites grant.

The Nansemond Ghost Fleet is a cluster of maritime resources in the Nansemond River and along its banks near downtown Suffolk. The site contains historic watercraft of various natures, foreshore components from industrial enterprises along the river, and a sheet midden of historic artifacts pertaining to the inhabitation and industrial background of Suffolk and historic Nansemond County. Vessel types archaeologists investigated include a planked double-ended craft, a likely crab scrape, a log-bottomed vessel, at least one bugeye, a possible buyboat, a scow schooner, barges, a small powered pleasure craft, and a number of unidentified watercraft. This assemblage is unique for the diversity of watercraft types and levels of preservation.

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