Jack’s Reef Pentagonal

Jacks Reef Pentagonal: chert, jasper, chert, chert.

Type Corner Notched Late Woodland

Defining Attributes
The Jack’s Reef Pentagonal is a broad, thin, pentagonal point.

The Jack’s Reef Pentagonal point dates to mainly the Late Woodland period, 700 to 1300 CE. At the White Site, Chenango County, New York a radiocarbon date was obtained from a feature associated with this point type of 905 +/- 250 CE. Coe (1995) found more than 10,000 pentagonal points at the Town Creek Site, North Carolina, which dates to 1000 to 1300 CE.


  • Blade: Pentagonal in form, usually asymmetrical.
  • Base: The base is straight, rarely concave.
  • Size: Length ranges from 25 to 44 mm. Maximum thickness is 5 mm.
  • Technique of manufacture: Pressure flaking on a thin primary flake.

The Pee Dee pentagonal point, defined by Coe (1964) is very similar to Jack’ Reef Pentagonal. In general, early dates for the pentagonal shape derive from the New York area and later dates come from North Carolina. The type coexists, in part, with the Jack’s Reef Corner Notched type.

Defined in Literature
This type was originally defined by Ritchie (1961 revised 1971) based on excavations in 1947 and 1951 at the Point Peninsula Jack’s Reef site in Onondaga County, New York.
